Tuesday, March 31, 2009

procrastination, much?

So I finally looked up...well, I confess. I wasn't sure what was meant by "treading the measure." All of the other words in most songs that I'm in (I'm talking Pirates if that needs to be clarified) make sense, and so being the lazy bum that I am, I have put off looking up this one phrase....until now. And now I'm going to share my knowledge with you!
I found the definition on thefreedictionary.com.

"Treading the measure"
can be defined as,
"To dance in the style so called."
I like to think of it as,
"To frolic on the beach in the way that one obviously would frolic on a beach."
So there!!

I haven't been to the beach in a long time. Maybe we should hike there:)


1 comment:

Nisbett Family said...

If you're interested, I also found an alternate phrasing of the definition online:

"To perform by walking or dancing."