Thursday, July 28, 2011


This show has come so's grown, matured, fleshed-out and been layered together by an extremely talented cast. And tonight, we open.

It's unreal how much I have learned while working of this show.

It's my last show at OAT for a while.

I'm really going to miss everyone. Especially Jeff the chair.

To quote the circus people in Seussical, "Come see the shoooooooow!!!"

Friday, July 22, 2011

humor from screwed lines, double negatives and Puritan grammar possibly getting to my head

There have been several times when people have messed up lines during Crucible rehearsal, changing the meaning entirely and making the rest of the cast laugh uproariously.

For example, the man playing Hale has a line concerning Proctor,

"From the beginning, this man has struck me true."

But TWICE now, he has accidentally said,

"From the beginning, this man has struck me too...."

This strikes everyone as unbearably funny, since in our production of The Crucible, John Proctor has a habit of getting angry with young girls (myself included) and throwing them to ground.

Once, our Tituba was supposed to say,

"Oh, yes, I love the little children.."

but it came out,

"Oh, no, I don't love the little children.."

..which was made even funnier with the comments that immediately followed, "Yeah, she doesn't love the little children. She eats the little children..."

Perhaps Tituba's mistake came from all the double negatives in the show getting to Erin's head (Erin being the actress that plays Tituba, of course..). There surely are an annoyingly large amount of double negatives in this show. Example:

"I never seen no sign you ever sent your spirit out to hurt no one."

Oh, the grammar in this show...
I think it's getting to my head.

This morning I said "I believe they are out picking blackberries, are they not?"

"Are they not?" Where did that come from????

Anyway, come see the show. It's intense. I saw Act 4 for the first time last night. I cried.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

several things.

First - the Crucible. It is the thing that's taking up most of my time these days.

I am basically off-book..there might be a couple times I have to call for a line, but overall, I'm good. This is when the real fun begins.

My character appears briefly in Act 1, several significant times in Act 2, and in the whole of Act 3 (or "the beast" as it has been affectionately referred to). Act 1 isn't nearly as vexing as Acts 2 and 3, because it's not an emotional rollercoaster for me. Acts 2 and 3 are.

Maybe it's just because I've really never done a drama before, or maybe there is something legitimately special about the show, but last night after running Act 3 (the intense courtroom) I was shaking. I was pumped with adrenaline. I wanted to cry. I think it's just my lack of experience working on a show like this. It's really cool.


Tomorrow night is the FOLLIES! Come come come! OAT, 7:00, $10. Be there...or don't.
The Light girls (that are in town) will be performing ;)


As if I need anything else to be thinking about, I have the senior recital on Monday, the 25th, 7:30, the Presbyterian church in Rolla, free. You can come if you want to. I'll be playing :/

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reheasals for The Crucible began yesterday. During the afternoon session we did a read-through, and in the evening we blocked act 1. It's a little scary how quickly this whole process is going to be...after rehearsal this afternoon and tonight (blocking acts 2 and 3), I'll be done with blocking. We're supposed to be off book by next Tuesday. I'll try to keep y'll updated on how it's all going for me...very different from a Fine Linen rehearsal! And it's not a musical. And it's not happy. Very, very different from anything I've done before.

I had read the play before in school, but I have never seen it performed, so the read-through was extremely helpful as far as understanding the character's personalities and the tonality of the piece. It's going to be an excellent production.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Last night I dreamt that I was standing in the Cardinal dugout. My beloved Wainwright was about to head out to the mound to give Carpenter a pep talk, but before he left, he gave me the stinky, sweaty hoodie he was wearing...I was supposed to "hold onto it" for him.

Strangely enough, as I stood there, holding his nasty hoodie, and watching him run out to the mound to encourage his teammate, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

Because I got to hold onto Adam Wainwright's hoodie.
