Thursday, June 30, 2011

trip: day 2

We left the Bacon's early the next morning. Breakfast consisted of breakfast burritos that Uncle Dennis so kindly made for us, coffee that Uncle Dennis so kindly made for us, and Fluffy Fresh donuts. When Mother was pregnant with me, she craved Fluffy Fresh donuts. Now I understand why...they are divine.

The Little Ones slept across Kansas.

We finally arrived in Colorado Springs around 4, if I remember correctly. We went to the hotel to meet up with the rest of our family and change for dinner.

Dinner was delightful. We ate the Flying W Ranch, a ranch with a reputation for fabulous Cowboy food and fabulous Cowboy music.

Besides the dinner-and-music show, the ranch has all sorts of Western-style shops and...stuff. It's like a little town.

After a wee hike, you can sit on these red rocks and get a great view of the Flying W and Colorado Springs.

Twas a bit windy...

Teepee for the children (and adults) to play in...

LtoR: cousin Joseph, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Dan, cousin Elizabeth

The food was great. The music was even better.

Here ends my account of June 10, 20ll.

trip: day 1

The first leg of our journey from Rolla to (ultimately) Buena Vista, CO began June 9, 2011. Packed into the minivan like hoards of young girls into a Justin Bieber concert (meaning there were a lot of us in a tight space), we (my mother, father and two youngest sibling...C and R left with the grandparents that morning) hit the road with excitement, enthusiasm, and lots of animated movies.

We drove to Kansas City, Missouri...the very place where on January 24, 1994, the world was changed...I was born :) I love driving around Kansas City with my parents because they are constantly pointing out places they used to work, or places that people I should remember (but don't, because I was, like, 5 when we moved to Rolla), or places that are just really interesting. We spent the night at my Uncle Dennis and Aunt Michelle's house (who lives in Lee's Summit, really, not Kansas City). They are avid Cubs fans, but we love them anyway.

Here ends my account of June 9, 2011.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

last summer

As we've been preparing for our upcoming vacation, we've had fun browsing pictures from our adventures last summer...

One day I challenged the kiddos to dress up as a movie character. Here's Matthew as Russell from Up and Meredith as the Sugarplum Fairy from the Barbie version of The Nutcracker.

Matthew (Russell) and Rebecca (Ellie)...

"Adventure is out there!!"

They look similar, no?

We celebrated Matthew's 3rd birthday on August 24th!

Random tea party/dress up day. Courtney as a masked Venitian-Parisian, me as a drunken pirate princess, Clarissa as a hippie named Violet Sunshine, Rebecca as a snobby British chick , Meredith as Nancy Drew, and Matthew as a little boy that wears his pajamas all day.

Gotta love Bible camp skits!! Here is Rebecca portraying Elijah (see her beard??), with her buddy Katie doing an excellent job portraying the soaked sacrifice that would soon be destroyed with fire from heaven.

The Fantasticks was fantastic...Here's Becca and Carl (she gave him that black eye).

Becca and Jordan..

..and Becca and Ryan :)

I can't wait to see everyone's pictures from this summer, and look forward to sharing ours with you...use sunscreen and drink water, folks!!


did you feel that?

...because I sure didn't.

There was an earthquake last night.

I slept through it.

I'm not sure if I should be glad or disappointed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

class of '11

Lighthouse Academy Graduating Class of 2011:

Jenna K. Light

Class motto: "Treat it with love."

Class song: "Dream On" by Aerosmith

Class colors: Hot pink and black

Class flower: Lily of the Valley

- senior superlatives -

Class clown: Jenna Light

Most likely to succeed: Jenna Light

Best dressed: Jenna Light

Ugliest car: Jenna Light

Best hair: Jenna Light